How to Gain More Instagram Followers for Photography Page

Instagram for Photography

Instagram has become an indispensable marketing tool for photographers looking to showcase their talent and grow their businesses. This popular photo-sharing app enables you to create an engaging visual portfolio, reach potential clients, and network with other professionals in the industry. In this guide, we’ll dive into the best practices and strategies for using Instagram effectively to build your photography business and gain more followers and reach for your page.

Creating an Impactful Profile

Username and Profile Picture

Choose a unique, easy-to-remember username that reflects your photography business name or brand. Your profile picture should be a high-quality image representing your brand identities, such as your logo or a professional headshot.

Optimizing Instagram Bio

Optimizing Your Bio

When potential clients visit your profile, your bio is the first thing they see. Make it count by including essential information such as:

  • Your photography niche (e.g., wedding, fashion, or landscape photography)
  • Your location and service areas
  • A link to your website or portfolio
  • A call-to-action (CTA) inviting users to contact you or book your services

Note that your bio on your Instagram profile is important in finding your target audience.

Optimized Bio Examples:ย 

  • Capturing the world, one shot at a time ๐Ÿ“ธ Travel and lifestyle photographer based in NYC ๐ŸŒ† DM for collaborations.
  • Bringing moments to life through my lens ๐Ÿ“ท Wedding and portrait photographer ๐ŸŒธ Based in LA, available for destination shoots โœˆ๏ธ
  • Visual storyteller ๐ŸŽฅ Landscape and nature photographer based in Colorado ๐Ÿž๏ธ Prints available for purchase on my website ๐Ÿ›๏ธ
Post High-Quality Content

Crafting Your Content Strategy

A well-planned content strategy is crucial for attracting and engaging your target audience. Consider the following when developing your content strategy:

Post High-Quality Content on Instagram

Posting high-quality content on Instagram is crucial for photographers looking to build a strong online presence, attract new clients, and grow their businesses. Here are some essential aspects to consider when creating and sharing top-notch content on Instagram:

Image Quality and Composition

  • Ensure your images are sharp and well-composed, as low-quality photos can reflect poorly on your photography skills and may discourage potential clients from engaging with your content.
  • Use high-resolution images and avoid over-compressing or excessively editing your photos, which can result in a loss of detail and visual quality.
  • Follow basic composition principles, like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry, to create visually appealing and professional-looking images.
Instagram Profile

Consistent Visual Aesthetic

  • Develop a consistent visual style for your content using similar editing techniques, color schemes, and compositions. This will make your profile more visually appealing and easily recognizable.
  • Choose a photography niche or style that aligns with your skills, interests, and target audience. Focusing on a specific niche can help you attract a more dedicated following and establish your brand identity.

Utilizing Captivating Captions

  • Use captivating captions to provide context, share technical details, or tell a story related to the image. A well-written caption can encourage engagement, spark conversations, and add value to your content.
  • Consider incorporating a call-to-action (CTA) in your captions to prompt followers to engage with your content, visit your website, or book your photography services.

Using Hashtags and Locations on Instagram

Effectively using hashtags, tagging, and locations on Instagram can significantly improve your content’s visibility, reach, and engagement. Here’s how photographers can leverage these features to grow their following and boost their photography business:


  • Research relevant hashtags: Identify popular and relevant hashtags related to your photography genre, style, location, and target audience. Use tools like Display Purposes, Hashtagify, or All Hashtag to find hashtags with a high search volume.
  • Use a mix of hashtags: Combine niche-specific, industry-related, and popular hashtags in your posts to reach a diverse audience. Avoid using too many hashtags, as this can appear spammy and reduce your post’s credibility.
  • Create a branded hashtag: Develop a unique hashtag representing your photography brand or a specific project. Encourage your followers and clients to use this hashtag when sharing your work, helping to increase visibility and create user-generated content.
Instagram Hashtags


  • Tag relevant accounts: Tag models, clients, collaborators, and other relevant accounts in your posts to increase visibility and potentially attract new followers. By tagging others, you also give credit where it’s due and foster relationships within the industry.
  • Use the “Mention” feature in Stories: Mention relevant accounts in your Instagram Stories to engage your audience, share your collaborations, and potentially gain reposts from the accounts you tag.


  • Geotag your posts: Add a location to your posts to increase their discoverability among users searching for content in specific areas. This can help attract local clients and showcase your familiarity with various shooting locations.
  • Use location-based hashtags: Incorporate location-specific hashtags in your captions to target potential clients within your service area. This can help you stand out among other photographers in your region.
  • Engage with local content: Interact with content from local photographers, models, and businesses by liking, commenting, and following their accounts. This can help you build relationships, increase your local visibility, and establish yourself within the community.
Location - Copenhagen

By strategically using hashtags, tagging, and locations on Instagram, photographers can maximize their content’s visibility, expand their reach, and attract more potential clients. Continually research and experiment with these features to find the most effective combination for your photography business and stay ahead of the competition.

Experimenting with Instagram Features

  • Experiment with various content formats and Instagram features like Stories, Reels, IGTV, and Guides to diversify your content and showcase different aspects of your photography.
  • To position yourself as an expert in your photography field and provide value to your audience, consider sharing behind-the-scenes content, work-in-progress images, and photography tips and tutorials. This can help establish your authority and build trust with potential clients.
Instagram Engagement

Engaging With Your Audience

Making a strong connection with your audience is vital for growing your photography business on Instagram. Here’s how to engage with your audience effectively:

  • Responding to Comments and Messages: Reply to comments and direct messages promptly and professionally, showing your followers that you value their time and feedback.
  • Collaborating with Other Creators: Partner with fellow photographers, models, and local businesses to create content that showcases your work and expands your reach. These collaborations can lead to mutually beneficial relationships and help you tap into new audiences.
Instagram Insight

Measuring and Improving Performance

Regularly measuring and analyzing your profile’s performance is essential for optimizing your content strategy and maximizing your growth on Instagram:

  • Instagram Insights: Use Instagram’s built-in analytics tool to gather information on your profile’s performance, audience demographics, and content engagement. Use these insights to adjust your content strategy and better tailor your posts to your target audience.
  • Third-Party Analytics Tools: Consider using tools like Iconosquare, Later, or Hootsuite to dive deeper into your account’s performance and gain additional insights. These tools often offer features like post scheduling and hashtag analysis, which can further improve your Instagram marketing efforts.

Discover The Best Posting Times for Instagram

Determining the Best posting times on Instagram can significantly impact your content’s success, increasing its visibility and engagement. By posting when your target audience is most active, you increase the chances of your content being seen and engaged. Here’s how to determine the optimal posting times for your photography business:

Understand Your Target Audience

Consider your target audience’s demographics, location, and habits when determining the best posting times. For example, consider the time zones and routines of potential clients in your local market.

Best Posting Time

Use Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights, available for business and creator accounts, provides valuable information about your followers’ active times on the platform. By analyzing this data, you can identify patterns and determine when your audience will most likely engage with your content.

In the Instagram Insights “Audience” tab, you’ll find a “Followers” section displaying the hours and days when your followers are most active. Use this information to plan and schedule your posts accordingly.

Experiment and Track Performance

Test different posting times and track your content’s performance using Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools. Note the engagement levels, reach, and impressions for each post to identify which time slots result in the best performance.

Consistently experiment with various posting times and adjust your schedule based on the performance data to optimize your posting strategy.

Consider General Recommendations

While it’s crucial to tailor your posting times to your specific audience, some general recommendations can serve as a starting point. For instance, studies suggest that the best times to post on Instagram are between 9 am and 11 am and 2 pm to 4 pm (local time), from Monday to Friday.

Audience activity varies based on factors like location, occupation, and daily routine, so these are general guidelines.

Maintain Consistency

Consistently posting high-quality content at optimal times is essential for building and retaining an engaged audience. Develop a content calendar and use scheduling tools like Later, Buffer, or Hootsuite to plan and schedule your posts in advance, ensuring consistency in your posting schedule.

By finding the best times to post on Instagram, photographers can maximize their content’s visibility and engagement, helping them grow their following and reach more potential clients. Continually monitor, analyze, and adjust your posting schedule based on your target audience’s behavior and performance data to optimize your Instagram marketing efforts.

Instagram Logo

End Note

In conclusion, photographers now rely on Instagram as a crucial tool to showcase their work and attract potential customers. Creating a strong profile with a unique username, high-quality profile picture, and optimized bio can make a great first impression on your target audience. Developing a well-planned content strategy that includes posting high-quality images, using captions and hashtags, and experimenting with Instagram features can help attract and engage your followers. Additionally, effectively utilizing Instagram’s location and tagging features and finding the best times to post can significantly improve your content’s visibility and reach. Continuously monitor your Instagram performance and adjust your strategies to stay ahead and attract new clients.


What’s the best time to post on Instagram?

The best time to post on Instagram varies depending on your target audience’s location and habits. Use Instagram Insights to identify when your followers are most active and schedule your posts accordingly.

Should I use Instagram Reels for my photography business?

Instagram Reels can be a great addition to your content strategy, as they offer a new way to showcase your photography skills and reach a larger audience. Create short, engaging videos that highlight your creative process, showcase your editing techniques, or offer photography tips.

How often should I post on Instagram?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on your niche and target audience. However, consistency is crucial. Aim to post at least 2-3 times per week to maintain engagement.

What is Instagram SEO?

Instagram SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of optimizing your Instagram profile, content, and engagement strategies to improve your visibility and discoverability within the platform. This involves using relevant keywords, hashtags, and captions, as well as engaging with your audience to increase your content’s chances of appearing in users’ feeds and Instagram’s search results.

Milad Mardiha

Milad Mardiha

Hi, I'm Milad Mardiha, a professional photographer with over 4 years of experience in the field. My passion for photography began at an early age, and I've since honed my skills to capture beautiful images that tell a story.

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